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Creating a content strategy for your school, college or university
Welcome and introduction
Introducing the programme (7:23)
1. Content Strategy: the full landscape
Module overview: understanding content strategy and defining your scope
1.1 What is content strategy? (16:44)
1.2 Describing content strategy to others (14:13)
1.3 Components and scope (22:13)
2. Creating a content strategy in support of your organisation’s goals
Module overview: aligning a content strategy to the wider goals of your institution
2.1 The strategic alignment review (16:56)
2.2 Setting a direction for content operations and working practice (11:45)
2.3 Stakeholder mapping and planning how to keep them engaged and informed (12:59)
3. Setting our goals: running discovery sessions
Module overview: running stakeholder discovery sessions
3.1 Planning a stakeholder discovery session (26:30)
3.2 A ready made discovery session (22:58)
4. The content strategy statement: setting the big vision
Module overview: creating your content strategy statement
4.1 What is a content strategy statement and why do you need one? (12:09)
4.2 Activities for designing and agreeing your content strategy statement (7:54)
5. Understanding our audiences
Module overview: getting into audience research and discovery
5.1 What do we need to know? (16:34)
5.2 How can we get answers to our research questions? (35:42)
6. Interpreting our audience insights
Module overview: what do we do with all these audience insights and so much data?
6.1 Getting inside their heads (6:57)
6.2 Creating useful and usable personas (15:02)
6.3 Tools to map moments to content requirements (12:16)
6.4 Mapping moments and content needs over time (16:16)
7. Taking stock of what we have: designing and conducting content audits
Module overview: getting ahead with content audits
7.1 Designing and conducting content audits (36:38)
8. Using content strategy to develop your tone and voice
Module overview: aligning voice and tone to a content strategy
8.1 From brand values to content values (7:26)
8.2 From content values to style and tone (7:35)
8.3 Impact on content practices and operations (7:48)
9. Building the substance vision for your content strategy
Module overview: setting a vision for content substance and editorial
9.1 What is a substance strategy? (16:01)
9.2 Running creative substance workshops and ideation sessions (12:26)
9.3 Planning detail: editorial calendars and page tables (21:19)
10. Structuring our content: understanding the components
Module overview: getting to grips with content structuring
10.1 Understanding the components (21:25)
11. Structuring our content: content elements and types
Module overview: getting to grips with the building blocks of structured content
11.1 Understanding content blocks: elements, modules and types (28:40)
12. Structuring our content: planning personalisation approaches
Module overview: using structured content to plan content personalisation and marketing automation approaches
12.1 What is personalisation and how might we use it? (20:22)
12.2 Personalisation flows (5:00)
12.3 Personalisation triggers (15:10)
12.4 Putting it all together (14:10)
13. Structuring our content: information architecture and content models
Module overview: understanding content models and the difference from information architecture
13.1 Structuring your content (8:48)
13.2 Information architecture (20:50)
13.3 Developing your content model (15:35)
13.4 Engaging your team (18:05)
14. From planning to people: defining workflow and content operations
Module overview: content operations, the people factor and making it all fit together
14.1 What is content operations? (9:32)
14.2 Understanding what's so (22:14)
14.3 Content roles (21:13)
14.4 Workflow (26:17)
15. Content governance
Module overview: content governance that works
15.1 What is content governance? (12:10)
15.2 Authority and responsibility (12:14)
15.3 Procedures and approvals (15:03)
15.4 Quality and standards (22:00)
16. Measuring and evaluating the impact of our content strategy
Module overview: how do we measure and evaluate the success of content and a content strategy?
16.1 Aligning measurement to content objectives (15:46)
16.2 What can we measure and why (18:07)
16.3 Tools and approaches for measuring content success (20:49)
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14.3 Content roles
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