Online courses and programmes to advance content strategy in the education sector

In addition to our successful live events, ContentEd brings you online courses and programmes to help you make leaps ahead with your approach to content in your school, college or university

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Creating a content strategy for your school, college or university

Over 16 modules, our flagship programme will take you each step of the way to developing a content strategy, including:

Aligning content strategy to institutional goals
Planning stakeholder engagement
Understanding your audiences
Designing content audits
Building a substance vision
Structuring content, IA and personalisation
Defining workflow, content operations and governance
Measuring content success

Designed specifically with education institutions in mind, each module includes hands-on exercises and activities so you can develop your content strategy in parallel with the programme.

Also, we have launched a range of new and innovative specialist courses linked to different aspects of content strategy: content operations, content creation for academic research, stakeholder engagement, and content measurement.